Saturday, 22 August 2020

"After Shee Dates" CAOS Command

Have you ever wanted your norns birthdates to actually match up with the Albian yearly cycle? Turns out, we had that ability all along. While snooping around in Docking Stations code, I found this little snippet:
So it turns out, you can switch to this mode at any time ingame. I'm not fully sure if it functions properly but it does display correctly so far. To switch to the after Shee dates, all you need to do is:

  1. Open up the CAOS Command Line with Ctrl + Shift + C
  2. Enter the following: setv game "c3_after_shee_dates" 1
  3. Press Enter, and if you entered it correctly, your date should resemble the topmost image!
To switch back to the old mode, just repeat the above instructions but replace the "1" in step 2 with "0" instead.

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