Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Creatures 3 Stars Origin

Earlier, back in 2019 I searched long and hard for the origin of the Creatures 3 starfields on a hunch that they were photographs of real stars. The thing is, I was kind of right. Eventually, I found the above image of the Pleiades, it is an observatory photograph that was posted around on Usenet, but that's the only real information I could really get on that. Apparently it was from Mount Wilson Observatory, though I don't know for sure.

In the Bridge & Engineering, the image itself is not completely used as it is, instead parts of the image are cut and pasted around to create its space background. However, you can see parts that line up with the original image:

While the Bridge & Engineering images appear more saturated, some terrariums don't have this effect. You can see this kind of difference in the top left corner of the Norn Terrarium vs the Bridge:
So far I have been incapable of finding any lead on where the original image for the red nebula is. It might have been lost to Usenet. In Docking Station, you can see the original Pleiades image behind the Capillata when you look at the background of its hub:
And finally, in some C3 terrariums you can also see most of the Pleiades, albeit a bit closer together:

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