Hello everyone! This is a quick announcement post to say that I have released a new patch for Creatures 3, that being a complete rewrite of the C3 lift system. It fixes Eat Elevator Syndrome as it was caused by improper use of the wait stim - the original lifts would stim norns with wait which fills them with the Wait chemical that causes it. The problem is that it stims norns with wait EVEN if the lift can't actually move in the direction they tried to send it, so that norns never get put in the lift. Exitting a lift is what removes the wait chemical, so norns are stuck waiting for its really slow half life before they can effectively start moving again, causing a deadly spiral.
It also has some changes that allow it to prevent common congestion problems in lift systems, so that your creatures can more freely move throughout the world. More information can be found in the Readme.
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