Sunday, 13 January 2019

KeyD Keycode Table

The KeyD CAOS command is a rather interesting one, as it allows you to make your agents check if a key is being pressed. This can be used for keyboard control using a timer, or just to check if a user is holding a certain key as they activate your agent. Regardless, it is a useful command that allows you to add more functionality to your agents. But a problem that most developers experience when they try to use the command is that they have no idea how to get the KEYCODE integer for the key they want to use.

Now while some people prefer to manually boot up the game and open up the Keycode displayer (Shift + Ctrl + K) to find their desired keycode, I couldn't help but notice that there was no table of keycodes anywhere in the community, or at least I couldn't find one available anywhere. So here's a KeyD keycode table:

Keycode Key
8 Backspace
9 Tab
13 Enter
16 Shift
17 Ctrl
18 Alt
19 Pause
20 Capslock
27 Escape
32 Space
33 PageUp
34 PageDown
35 End
37 Left
38 Up
39 Right
40 Down
45 Insert
46 Delete
48 0
49 1
50 2
51 3
52 4
53 5
54 6
55 7
56 8
57 9
65 a
66 b
67 c
68 d
69 e
70 f
71 g
72 h
73 i
74 j
75 k
76 l
77 m
78 n
79 o
80 p
81 q
82 r
83 s
84 t
85 u
86 v
87 w
88 x
89 y
90 z
91 Windows Key
92 Menu (R wndws key for some)
93 Right Menu
96 Numpad 0
97 Numpad 1
98 Numpad 2
99 Numpad 3
100 Numpad 4
101 Numpad 5
102 Numpad 6
103 Numpad 7
104 Numpad 8
105 Numpad 9
106 Numpad *
107 Numpad +
109 Numpad -
110 Numpad .
111 Numpad /
112 F1
113 F2
114 F3
115 F4
116 F5
117 F6
118 F7
119 F8
120 F9
121 F10
122 F11
123 F12
144 NumLock
145 ScrollLock
186 ;
187 =
188 ,
189 -
190 .
191 /
192 ' (` for some)
219 [
220 \
221 ]
222 # (' for some)
223 `

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