Monday, 14 January 2019

Tinted text in a catalogue file

Did you know it is possible to tint your text in a catalogue file? While I have seen my fair share of tinted text in DS, (usually in official CreaturesLabs/Gameware agents) I haven't seen a lot of user-made agents making use of it. So here's how you can add a splash of colour to your agent help files:

Once you have opened the catalogue file that you want to edit, you can add tinting with <tint R G B>. This will make it so that all text after it in the string will be tinted depending on what numbers you enter. For example, <tint 255 0 0> will make the text to the right of it red and <tint 255 255 255> later in the same description will revert all following text to plain white again.

So now that we have our catalogue file set up, let's test it ingame:

Ta-da! Tints may also be applied to ToolTips, but I wouldn't recommend tinting your ToolTip text because of the bright blue box that ToolTips are usually contained in. It might not mix very well compared to the colours of the agent help window.

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